
Change Your Life, Investing in Your Health TM SM with the Body Zen Training Library!


The Body Zen Training Library

After almost 9 years of coaching people in person – I’m finally sharing the most important information that I’ve seen help and change people the most; in relieving pain & building the most functional and best performing body, mind and spirit possible – in these currently subscription free videos!

Please just donate what you think they were worth after, you try them if you can; though no need to sign up for anything! venmo: @danield18317297 (will change) and cashapp: Daniel Dunn $BodyZen

Watch on the vimeo site For FREE today and start integrating the literally vital knowledge from these videos into your routine(s) and/or keep following the guided instruction to keep perfecting your form, function and health!

The Library is still, really new and will soon have an updated intro video and another “Quick & Easy Stretching” video before the coveted Movement and Personal Training videos will be made! The Library is hosted vimeo, so you can trust that the site has great security and hosting/playing abilities.

And ask any questions for free at or schedule an in-person or coming soon video coaching session today!

Train at home or soon on the go, with the best information and expert instruction you can get; from Daniel Dunn who teaches with more than 30 years of martial arts practice (kickboxing, boxing/Kung fu, ninjutsu/To-Shin Do & Judo/Jiu-jitsu), more than 10 years of the very best sports and rehabilitation massage therapy with professional movement therapy (teaching people to walk & run therapeutically and professionally) and two years of highest rated ACE Certified personal training experience.

Watch without a subscription today! And start getting immediate benefits with the astounding long term benefits of keeping on with the journey of integrating this literally vital wisdom to your habits and life. You deserve a pain free and health life, so start integrating this to your regimen today!

Please always consult your Doctor before starting this or any other workout or training regimen! If you have questions, comments or suggestions please email – for in depth training and advice I’ll soon be offering “in-person”/online video & personal email training programs!

Editing Note: I was locked out of the main account after Blue Host changed their log in page and credential to log in without telling me (locked out for hours with wrong passwords every time..) then the page I’m not kidding kept/keeps changing the edits I made prior when I make new edits, so the page was de-updating and does actually de-update every time I attempt to update it! So thank you very much for reading old information after I’ve been attempting to get it all updated at the same time! πŸ™






And to show proof that I know what I’m talking about, here is a copy of my vocational college transcripts from the UCMT Master Bodyworker Program, that shows the UCMT Professional Program transfer credits as 815 and my total enrollment credits as 1,036 with a GPA of 4.00. The Professional Program is where I initially learned Movement Therapy with Structural Integration and a myriad of other modalities I’ll soon be showcasing here as well (not kidding, thousands of dollars of books and framed diplomas was destroyed in a flood, so I have to get more:)




Editors Note:
I’ve been going through a lot, producing these videos and haven’t been at my normal weight or workout regimen intensity level; so in future videos look forward to seeing me at normal weight and especially better when I finally start the Personal Training videos!

Thank you so much to the first early adopters of to the Training Library! In the future when all this looks new/better and different you’ll have a special place with Body Zen nostalgia and appreciation β€οΈπŸ™ So sign up today!!! πŸ™‚

And why is Body Zen not on YouTube or Patreon? While sharing a social enterprise website so extensively that twitter reported more than 100,000 profile views per month, youtube claimed that 190 people had viewed the main/primary video on the welcome page, and when I and friends viewed the video multiple times from different devices; the view count didn’t change – so I don’t trust or use youtube! And Patreon takes 9-12% of creators earnings where vimeo is much easier on creators with less than I believe πŸ™‚ 10,000 subscribers.

Thank you so much again and subscribe and schedule today!!! πŸŒ€οΈπŸ§˜πŸ’†β€πŸŒŽ


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